iOS128K - An iOS icon pack inspired by classic Mac OS.

8 ratings

A pixel perfect, hand crafted set of 120+ custom app icons inspired by System 1 on the Macintosh 128K from 1984.

Light and dark themes.

Dark or light, Labels or no labels. Borders or borderless.

Hard work, done for you.

Icons can be installed in one step through configuration profiles.*

Seamless app opening.

Most apps open instantly, without going through Shortcuts.**

Free Updates.

Periodic updates as more icons are added.


  • Custom icons won't have notification badges
  • *iOS128K configuration profiles only include WebClips. WebClips are simply links to apps or websites. You can check for yourself before you install the profile.
  • Web Clips might contain icons for apps you don't have installed. Simply remove the icon from your home screen or install the app from the App Store.
  • **While most icons will open seamlessly, native apps will still go through shortcuts. This might change with the release of iOS 14.3.
  • Icons work on iOS 14.2. Other versions of iOS are untested.
  • No installation instructions are provided for installing the .deb file.

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129 PNG icons, 44 configuration profiles and a .deb file

3.48 MB
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iOS128K - An iOS icon pack inspired by classic Mac OS.

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